NNRG’S forestry program helps forest owners increase the ecological value and economic potential of their land.
Join a vibrant community dedicated to stewarding woodlands in ways that meet diverse goals: improving and protecting wildlife habitat, enhancing populations of rare native plants, increasing carbon storage, sustaining clean water, growing valuable timber, offering verdant beauty, and inspiring simple enjoyment.
Our members love their forests and are committed to caring for them in the best way they can.
Our members include families, small businesses, youth camps, land trusts, conservation groups, and public lands. They harvest and sell timber. Some run their own sawmills and turn the trees from their woods into floors, furnishings, and homes. They sell firewood. They protect old-growth and actively enhance habitat for rare and endangered species. They cultivate wild-crafted products and forage from the land. They supply communities with clean water to drink and clean air to breathe. Some enjoy the beauty and solitude of their forests in private while others invite guests to retreat, students to learn, or travelers to Airbnb.
Our members own woodlands that represent the incredible diversity of forest communities found across the Pacific Northwest. They span the temperate rainforests of the Hoh River valley to the ponderosa foothills of Leavenworth. They range from forests of Port Orford cedar and myrtlewood along the southern Oregon Coast, to the oak woodlands of the Willamette Valley and San Juan Islands. They include groves of giant western redcedar tucked into the Willapa Hills and along the flanks of Mount Baker. And of course, all of our members grow Douglas-fir, the iconic species that unifies our region.
Membership connects you to unique resources, expert consultation, educational workshops, learning tours, as well as access to Forest Stewardship Council® certification. Through the NNRG network, people make friends and acquaintance with those who share similar passions and challenges. At every level of membership, we look forward to working with you to help forests thrive!
Supporting member
Recommended for any individual, landowner, organization, company or government entity who supports the stewardship of Pacific Northwest forests and fostering a community of landowners that incorporate science-based information about forest ecology into their land ethic.
**Please note, this option does not include reduced rates for consultation services. That benefit is available to Conservation and Certified Members.**
- 20% or greater discount to all NNRG workshops and events over $35
- Special member-only announcements
Annual membership fees:
Individual or Family – $75
Organization – $175
Conservation member
Recommended for forest landowners in Oregon and Washington who are interested in receiving direct assistance from NNRG. Benefits of conservation membership include walking your woods with a forestry professional, assistance with creating a forest management plan, and empowering you to improve the well-being and resilience of your forest. As we become familiar with you and your forest, we will connect you to opportunities that fit your unique goals.
- 20% or greater discount to all NNRG workshops and events over $35
- Special member-only announcements
- A two-hour on-site consultation at your property
- A reduced consulting rate for fee-for-service work performed by NNRG staff
- Access to NNRG staff as trusted resources for your forest ecology questions and goals
- Trusted referrals to consulting foresters, loggers, and restoration practitioners
- Assistance identifying cost-share opportunities and other financial assistance programs for conservation practices or small business development
Initial fee / Annual Renewal Fee:
Family (<100 acres) – $250 / $75
Small (101-200 acres) – $350 / $150
Large (>200 acres) – Negotiated
FSC® Certified Member
Recommended for forest landowners in Oregon and Washington, including families, small businesses, youth camps, land trusts, conservation groups, tribes, and public land managers, who are interested in Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) certification, the gold-standard of sustainable ecological forestry. NNRG manages an FSC group certificate to provide certification services at a significantly lower cost. Learn more about getting certified.
- 20% or greater discount to all NNRG workshops and events over $35
- Special member-only announcements
- A two-hour on-site consultation at your property
- A reduced consulting rate for fee-for-service work performed by NNRG staff
- Access to NNRG staff as trusted resources for your forest ecology questions and goals
- Trusted referrals to consulting foresters, loggers, and restoration practitioners
- Assistance identifying cost-share opportunities and other financial assistance programs for conservation practices or small business development
- FSC Certification
- Timely notification of requests for FSC-certified products from vendors, builders, architects, and public agencies
- A membership sign with the FSC logo to proudly post on your land – recognizing your well-managed forest
- We know you and your forest – you have access to NNRG staff as trusted resources for your forest ecology questions and goals
Initial fee / Annual renewal with management activity / Annual renewal fee with limited management activity:
Family (<100 acres) – $350/$250/$75*
Small (101 – 200 acres) – $450/$350/$150*
Large (>200 acres) – Negotiated*
*FSC certification requires annual check-ins with NNRG. These check-ins include a field audit of significant management activities and a random sample audit of FSC-certified lands. NNRG strives to make access to FSC certification affordable and charges only the costs of managing the group certificate across Oregon and Washington.
In years when there is significant management activity on your land such as harvesting timber (>5,000 board feet) or road building, a field audit from NNRG staff is required. During these years, the renewal rate is 2/3 of your initial membership fee. In years when there is no significant management activity on your land and NNRG does not need to conduct a field audit, the renewal rate is 1/3 of your initial membership fee. The prices above are applicable to properties in the south Puget Sound region; properties that require more extensive travel for NNRG staff are subject to higher fees based on travel costs.
For example, for a family forest with less than 100 acres:
In years when there is significant activity (harvest, road building) a field audit is required. The cost for the annual renewal is $250. In years when the forest requires minimal maintenance and is “growing along”, there is no field audit from NNRG. The cost for the annual renewal is $75.
For more information about forestry program membership and FSC® certification, you can contact us at outreach@nnrg.org.