Central Cascades Forest

The 46,000 acres of forestland spanning Snoqualmie Pass to Cle Elum known as the Central Cascades Forest (CCF) is now Forest Stewardship Council®-certified, through NNRG’s group certificate. It’s the Northwest’s largest jump in certified forestland since the City of Seattle’s Cedar River watershed earned FSC certification in 2011.
The CCF is managed by The Nature Conservancy in Washington, which takes a comprehensive approach to stewarding lands. Management goals for the forest include improving wildlife habitat, producing a sustained yield of wood products, increasing climate resilience, providing clean water, bolstering local communities, and reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire.
“We are excited to recognize this important project with Forest Stewardship Council certification,” says NNRG Executive Director Seth Zuckerman. “The Conservancy and its partners in the Central Cascades Forest have shown far-sighted vision in committing to manage this forest for sustainable harvest while restoring its ecological health.”
“We want to ensure that everything we do in these forests is leading to better outcomes for the environment and for people,” said James Schroeder, Conservation Director for the Conservancy’s Washington chapter. “Third party certification such as this leads to healthy habitats, cleaner water, and all the things we care about.”
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