Workshop: Optimize the Value of Your Timber – November 7

Recognizing the value of the timber you have can be the difference between selling a veneer-grade log at pulp prices instead of the market premium. By understanding the specialty product markets for veneer, figured wood, pole-quality timber, and export logs you can extract the highest value for your timber.
It’s important to understand the niche markets that exist around you, the log manufacturing process, and what you can do right now to optimize for long-term timber value and specialty forest products. Attend this class to learn specific practices you can do to grow quality wood and obtain the highest value for your timber.
Topics this class will cover include:
- Niche timber markets
- Identifying timber grades
- Log manufacturing for highest value
- Logging logistics to optimizing timber values
- Techniques to grow high value timber
- Managing mixed species forests
Details and registration:
WHEN: Saturday, November 7, 2015 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
WHERE: Cascade Middle School – 905 McGarigle, Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284
COST: $15 – Registration fee covers event costs and lunch
Ken Osborn of Arbor Pacific Forestry Service in Mount Vernon will be our featured speaker. Presenters will also include logging contractors and log buyers from the area. From 9:00 am to early afternoon the class meets inside at the school cafeteria. After lunch, the class will travel to a nearby site for a tour to see examples of how they can manage their forests to optimize timber value.
This is the fourth workshop in the 4-part series for Skagit forest owners.
All woodland owners are encouraged to attend regardless of past workshop participation.
This workshop is supported through a grant provided by the:
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Special thanks to our Project Partners:
Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Skagit Conservation District
Natural Resource Conservation Service
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