Solving Woody Biomass in the Forests of the San Juan Islands

Engaging with woodland owners in San Juan County to address the unique challenges of managing island forests for both ecological health and economic viability.
NNRG and our partners have worked in many island forests, conducting one-on-one site visits, developing management plans, hosting tours and classes. Increasingly, landowners have sought guidance on how to manage their overstocked stands for improved forest health. They are also looking for creative ways to use the excess woody material that is a byproduct of restoration.
In 2017, we hosted a series of workshops for forest landowners interested in reducing the risks of wildfire, diseases and lost value to their woodlands by removing and using the extra woody biomass in creative and productive ways. A goal of these classes was to build on the ecological forestry concepts taught during earlier workshop series while also delivering content accessible to woodland owners participating for the first time.
2017 Woody Biomass Assessments
- SJC Woody Biomass Assessment – a supply and demand assessment of woody biomass in the San Juan Islands
- SJC Woody Biomass Production Methods – an overview of different ways forest landowners can use and manufacture woody biomass in their woodlands
For more, check out our page of resources specifically for owners of San Juans forests!
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Through these workshops participants learned ways they could decrease fire risk, improve forest health, increase habitat value, and generate income through emerging methods like biochar and biomass energy.
Utilizing Woody Biomass to Reduce Fire Risk
Fire Ecology and Active Management in San Juan Forests
Learn about the risk of fire in overstocked San Juan forests, active management options to increase fire resilience, and cost mitigation options.
Biochar 101: Making Biochar from Woody Biomass
Manufacturing Options for San Juan Forests
Learn all about biochar’s value, function, and process, and join a driving tour to see a range of different methods island forest owners are using to manufacture biochar.
Energy Opportunities for Woody Biomass
Options for San Juans Forest Owners
Learn about cost-effective methods for converting biomass into energy to heat and power our houses, businesses, and communities.
Previous workshops include:
- Hands-On Forestry for San Juans Woodlands
- Emerging Biofuel Options for San Juan Forests
- Small-scale logging & yarding for the DIY woodland owner
- How to Manage a Timber Sale
Our updated 2016 San Juan Islands Forestry Products and Business Directory will help you find and collaborate with loggers, equipment operators, arborists, tree workers, woodworkers, builders, architects, and consultants. Do better at home what previously has been done off the islands.
Forestry professionals from NNRG will work with you to conduct a customized and detailed evaluation of your forest management options. If you have questions about your land in the San Juans, please consider contacting us to schedule a FREE forest site visit. This free site visit can help you:
- Improve forest health
- Enhance timber productivity and wildlife habitat
- Reduce fuels and wildfire risk
- Maintain stream health and roads
- Find and apply for cost-share and technical assistance programs
This is a free service for landowners in San Juan County and an excellent way to improve your forest stewardship skills. Site visits are voluntary and come with no obligation to carry out the recommendations.
Sign up for a FREE forest site visit by contacting:
Kirk Hanson, Director of Northwest Certified Forestry at 360-316-9317,
Funding for this project provided by:
Risk Management Agency
We thank our project partners:
San Juan County Agricultural Resources Committee
San Juan Islands Conservation District
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